The limousine service is especially designed for business people and for those who prefer to travel in comfort. Due to our extremely low prices , the rental of Botta Tours allows customers to move in safety , comfort and peace to those costs that are equivalent to a taxi.

The limousine service allows business managers to optimize the timing of work, carrying out tasks during the journey, receive and send emails, phone calls, refer to the Internet, study the documents of a meeting or just relax before an important business meeting.

In addition, it is possible to enter into contracts on subscription lowering considerably the cost of the service, with the possibility of billing and payment postponed to 30/60 days. The subscription contracts are designed in such a way as to meet the requirements of Tour Operators, Travel Agents, Companies, Hotels, Bed & Breakfast, Lawyers.

Finally, we perform services for meetings, conferences and special events, high-representation for individuals and companies, accompanying foreign delegations.